Saturday, September 26, 2009

Great Session!

General Conference is coming up but this isn't about one of those sessions. This is about another great "skate" session I had. My friend Blake Johnson is a photographer and calls me up when he gets some free time away from being a husband, father, student and empolyee to go shoot some skate photos. We just went to the Orem park and was lucky enough that it wasn't crowded with the usual bikers, razor scooters, and whatever other random thing you can ride with wheels and were able to shoot these photos. There's a lot more that he hasn't emailed me but here are two that he has. A backside Ollie and a wallride. Thanks Blake for the great shots, and thanks skating for making everyday an adventure in the life of tobal.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What in the world is this creation?!

All I have to say about this picture of Carrot Top is...when you have low self esteem, living in a city of image (Vegas), and have lots of money to change things you don't like about yourself, you end up looking like this. Be proud of who you are, your all beautiful people you don't need to change anything.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My favorite day...Saturday

I'm sure most of you are like me and have Saturday listed under your favorite day. Unlike most of you Saturday is not my favorite day cause its my day off of work, its because it's the one day out of the week that I can skate my favorite street spots. I always drive around and look for skate spots and it sucks whenever I find something soooo good to skate, like it was sculpted by angels from heaven, and I can't skate it cause its infront of a business, school or a store. So what do I do...wait for Saturday to roll around, put on my favorite pair of Vans on, throw my board in the car, and hit that spot up all day. When the sun goes down, I thank the ledge or stair for the great memories and tell it I'll see it a week from now (:

Tobal Army

Hello everyone. I've been posting a lot of propaganda on Facebook for people to check out my blog. I've made false promises that by becoming a follower of my blog, their financial problems will go away, and their sex life will increase by leaps and bounds. haha But as we all know, that by reading this blog none of that will happen. Like great minds of the past the reason why I'm trying to get tons of followers is to form my own army to do the same thing I try to do everyday.....TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!! and maybe some charity work.
Tobal Head Commander of the cyber blog army.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My joke

Today I decided to go up at church and share my testimony to my new ward. I was more nervous about the joke I was going to open up with then anything else but I thought " oh well, if it bombs it bombs." So I noticed that no one was going up so I stood up and started walking over to the front just going over in my head the joke I was thinking of so I wouldn't bomb it. I began by introducing myself then said, " I was sitting there and felt prompted to stand up and share with you all...this multi level marketing business I'm doing.." I couldn't help but start laughing cause I thought it was funny but quickly realized the room was still super silent. LOL. Anyways, thats it. Bombing jokes in public can suck but at least you get a cool story to blog about.