Sunday, August 9, 2009

Skate Camp

Last week I drove to Visalia, CA and went to the YMCA/Element skate camp and literally had the time of my life. I grew up seeing footage of this place in all the skate videos but never had the money to go. Now at 26, my buddy Drew called me up and said he's going to a play a show there for the kids and that if I wanted to go, we can stay for free. So we left Sunday morning and drove through my hometown of Ceres, CA where we stopped at my old stomping ground..The Ceres Skatepark. It was actually kinda funny cause this kid that always did a handstand on his board was still there and while we were leaving I saw him doing a handstand on his board. I just laughed to myself..haha. We then drove to my best friends house by Fresno, where we watched a movie and repeated the same jokes that we've been saying since 8th grade. haha. The next morning we woke up, ate some kix, then drove up in the mountains and saw the raddest thing ever....skate parks in the middle of the freaking mountains by the Lake and a big sign that said "Welcome to the YMCA/Element skate camp" I finally Made it!!!
The whole week, was just skating, teaching little kids, eating, kayaking, swimming in the lake, making skateboards....etc. I met tons of cool people from all over the world from Washington, to Barbados. My friend Drew played an awesome show for all the kids and sold tons of merchandise and cd's. ( You should listen to his music, really good...just google Drew Danberry and it should bring up a bunch of stuff). Anyways, my legs feel like jello. I lost like 8 lbs. from just skating all day, and not having any soda around to drink. So overall the camp was a success and I can't wait to go again next year.


  1. that sounds like a super fun camp! i'm glad you were able to finally fulfill one of your childhood dreams! i bet the kids loved you!

  2. Yeah it was way fun. A nice change from all the old guys drinking beer and swearing.
